Thursday, June 16, 2016


"Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one"...

I obviously always knew this, I'm lucky enough & blessed to be surrounded by a ton of amazing people, so I've heard my fair share of opinions. 

But I personally think, NO ONE gets the joy of hearing more opinions ::I hope you heard the sarcasm:: than a 29 (almost 30) year old single woman. Clearly just my perspective at the moment, as all things I write. 

But anywho, either I missed the memo, or 

A) Everyone is so full of wisdom & knowledge that they have it all figured out & I missed the forum 
B) Everyone knows what's best for me, & not me myself or anything
C) I'm such a lost puppy that needs all this guidance 
D) Everyone got their PHD in dating

::Hope you heard the sarcasm again::

Not to say I take these opinions negatively, don't get your panties in a bunch, BIH... BUT chill out people. You have it figured out as much as I do. No one will EVER...I repeat EVER know me more than I know myself. You might want the best for me & have the best intention at heart, but no one will EVER know what's best for me, more than I do. Same goes for you, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. (well maybe my mom, she seems to be a true guru in most things)... 

Not that I'm expecting people to sit in silence during a conversation, by any means. Sharing thoughts & opinions with humans is healthy & necessary. But be mindful of your tone. Be careful not to share your opinion as fact or expertise. That doing so will only make me, not respect a single thing you're saying, so don't waste your breath. 

We're all in this planet trying to figure it out, & rest assure you haven't, none of us have. It's trail & error, all of life literally is. No matter what stage/phase or life you're in, you still have lessons to learn (by experiencing things), you still have plenty of life to live. Where you are today won't be where you are tomorrow & your opinions will change. So don't take yourself too serious. 

If there's one thing I've learned is that the universe is never done teaching us. That what we felt yesterday might not be the same days from today. That the universe has a funny, REALLY funny way of showing us just how off we are when we think we know the "right way" or the things we'd never ever do... I'll wait for it... 

So, don't let the sarcastic opinionated beast come out next time you're trying to figure my life out for me... Because I have an asshole too...

signs the girl that prays she doesn't suddenly become knower of all things... 

Friday, June 3, 2016


Should your partner be your best friend?

I have mixed feelings about the topic. Parts of me automatically answer with, "hell F-ing absolutely, yes"...
...then other parts are like not necessarily...

Hear me out...

A partner is suppose to be a teammate, at least that's how I imagine it should be. A confidant that you go to at your lowest & highest moments. The person you geniuely want to share everything with. Which is beginning to sound a lot like a best friend. Someone that holds your secrets and holds you down whenever necessary.

I recently had a discussion about this & was surprised to hear the person say that this is absolutely untrue. That a good partnership does not need to mean best friends. That friend & partner should be two separate things. I was a bit taken aback. As our new age expectations in society has definitely made that statement entirely false.

But, then you take a minute to take it in and realize that this is exactly how things worked back in the know... back when partnerships lasted... back when relationships didn't really end... was this because people weren't friends? They were solely partners..... ::insert shocked confused thought provoked emoji face::: Then I started thinking, maybe there's logic to this madness. Maybe expecting a best friend out of a partner shouldn't be on top of the list. That so many other qualities should trump this detail, which to some is very important ( please note I'm one of those "some"). That a best friend should be found among your friends, & a partner, well should be found within the person you're intimate with.

When you are surrounded by a lot of friends (like myself & the nameless person in this convo) you aren't truly craving that from anyone else. You get that in so many places that the need, want & desire to find it in ONE person seems unreal since each single person in your life fills that role in their own way. You wouldn't imagine life without every single one of them.

Not to say your partner is unimportant. I still think they will forever hold a higher pedestal than everyone else. a different type of bond... a relationship unparalleled to any other.

but maybe best friend isn't what we should be looking for...
or is it?

signs the girl that always tries to see things from anothers perspective...