Monday, January 23, 2017

Barack VS Donald

I assure you this is NOT a political post, by any means. Plenty of bias opinions here, but this isn't about my opinion on 2017 current political events... I'm here to write about myself...and about dating...

Throughout these last few weeks we've been witnessing the transition from Barack Obama to Donald Trump, and within this sad transition, we have been witnessing a difference in character between two married men. It's all fun & games to look at the million memes, like the this one...

But the reality is... we've all dated a Donald before and we've all wanted, or have, or had a Barack before. A cold shoulder, non publicly affectionate guy, VS the guy that looks at you like you're the best thing to ever happen since white bread... 

Trust me when I say I've dated a few Donald's or at least people that had his tendencies (based on the images being shared in the internet, who knows what this man is like privately) Men that you kinda have to guess if they are into you or not. Who crack jokes on you, before they tell you you're beautiful, who make very little effort to remind you just how dope you really are. Men who kinda make you feel like you should be more thankful for them, than they are for you... 

Obviously you're aware how awesome you are and try to convince yourself that you don't need that reassurance from anyone...

Until you meet someone who meet someone that does in fact make you feel like you're the most amazing thing they've ever been around... someone who looks at you the way you only thought existed on TV...Then your mind is officially blown. You are so tainted though that you immediately question someone that praises you too much. You side eye anyone making too much of an effort, and for a split second you're kinda like OH SHIT, is this how it's suppose to be?? 

Then you realize, you might not NEED constant praise & reassurance, but you should WANT to be with someone willing to shower you with praise. You should want someone that makes you question everyone else & how they felt. GIVEN, not everyone shows affection the same, and often these things don't always make one person better than another... 


don't ever settle for Donald if he doesn't acknowledge your greatness... don't ever settle for anyone that doesn't see how dope you really are. Don't settle for anyone that makes you think you need to change things about yourself in order for them to love you... 

Anyone that you settle for should consider you everything they've been waiting for.... 
otherwise... he ain't the one.

signs the girl whose only seeking Barack... 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Live for the moment...

                        "Hola, Amor!! Sometimes from time to time you encounter souls that simply align with your energy. People who calm your mind and make things simply feel...right... Embrace those people, enjoy them for as long as you have them. Life is ever changing & we don't know what tomorrow holds, but today... today it makes let it...xoxo ElizTalks"

That was my morning message this morning to my friends & Family... basically a message to myself.

Sometimes we become so afraid of enjoying a moment based on all the bad moments we've previously experienced. So much so that we forget to live it. We forget to be grateful for it... we become skeptical & doubtful of what will happen later, that we don't fully notice the right now. We smile with our heads full of doubts. We embrace with a heart full of fear. Almost like we're constantly saying "I know this is good, but for how long?". As humans we have fooled ourselves into believing that if we anticipate the bad, then when the bad comes it won't feel as bad. When in reality that's never true. It still hurts...except you spent all the good prepping for it. So it all turns out to be a loss...

So why do it? Why spend your time worried over something that may never happen. Or if it does what's the point of worrying the whole way there?

This is not to say to blindly let go of fear. This is not to say to ignore the caution signs and run to a dead end street... It's simply to say, if it's good right now...let it be good. Get this goods fullest potential and deal with the road ahead when you get there. Reality is you don't know where any path leads, we simply assume the whole way through.... We walk all these roads of life unaware of it's twist and turns.

Life is basically one huge plot twist....

Trust me, I know... because I've just encountered another one of mine...and I'm still deciding if to embrace it for all the good or to run because of all the bad it might or might not eventually lead to...

signs the girl who is never fully convinced

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Catch the bouquet...

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but a few months back I attended a lovely wedding in the Dominican Republic. I've attended a few weddings here & there, haven't been to a wedding I haven't enjoyed.

Like all weddings the bride tossed her bouquet to a bunch of single gals wishing to one day be in her place. I assure you in my 30 years of life, I had never bothered to catch it, either because I didn't care to be married, I was already married, or simply the thought of being married again terrified me...So I usually sat this part out.

Except this time... This time... I too was that gal wishing to one day be in her place. This time I held my long dress up, put my game face on & stated... I'M CATCHING THIS BOUQUET...

& jumped...

jumped like if my future wedding depended on this single catch.

& sure enough... I did... I caught the freaking bouquet.

I felt triumphant, Frolicked around the dance floor with my arms in the air, super excited & happy because I caught it...
This is me... way too happy to be holding the bouquet

which means I'm next...right?? 

Then when the excitement settled, I realized superstition can only get you so far, babygirl.

So there I was, still a single girl, except this time I had this bouquet in my hands... except this time I realized, HOLY SHIT... I want to get married. So bad, that I participated in foolish games simply because somehow the universe was going to make that happen for me just because I caught the bouquet.

If only it worked that way...

If you had asked me 3.5 years ago...(heck if you asked me 1 year ago) if I wanted to get married again, I'd probably laugh in your face, roll my eyes and say some type of snarky remark.

But somehow that changed this year...Not sure if turning 30 attributed to it, or if it was officially meeting someone I really wanted to be with (you'll hear about this story one day)... but somehow this year I became that girl that wanted the wedding again... I became the girl that saw her life with someone... I became the girl that jumps up to catch bouquets... I became the girl I thought I lost many moons ago...

& you know what... I don't mind her. I don't mind her one freaking bit. I love this new found want & desire to be open to a future with someone. I've been so closed to it that I had previously found myself in questionable situations and it makes sense why. I just wasn't ready.

Now I am...

Not to say that changes anything... you likely won't be getting wedding invites next month.... but who knows...maybe one day...

I did catch the bouquet after all... & they say it means I'm next...

You can't see me in this pic... But I assure you...I CAUGHT IT ...

signs the girl that somehow believes in fairy-tales again...

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Feeling New

I can't possibly be the only person that feels this crazy feeling of reboot when a new year begins. An extra pep in your step, almost like you're getting another chance to make things right this time around.

Nothing really changed, it's literally another day, BUT mentally it's so much more than that. Some new year transitions feel better than others, but this is one of the good ones, hopefully it's telling of the year to come, but I've learned you really can't determine what an entire year will hold. I simply know, right now, in this very moment I feel rejuvenated & tenacious!

Tonight is vision board night! A now consistent Sena Sister tradition. We gather images of what we expect of the year, put it on a board and set forward to accomplish these things. It's our way to throwing it out to the universe exactly what we're working towards. Not to say we stick it on paper & hope for the best. The board serves as a daily reminder of what we wanted day 1. Whenever we forget, we can look at where we began and where we expect to head to. It's a reminder to put in the work, because this is exactly what we wanted. (If you don't make vision boards, I consider you try it one year, you'll be surprised how accountable it makes you)

I might have way too many images this year, but all attainable, I have a few of the same goals, with an additional few in between. I'm very specific with certain things that I want... Some are out of my hands, and others are solely determined by the amount of effort I put in.

Fitness is always on my board, Saving money, Lowering debt, strengthening relationships, know things of that nature...

One of the pieces I'm adding to my board reads the following...

If you know me, you know letting go is by far the most difficult thing for me to do. I don't hold on to grudges or ill feelings... but I sure do hold on to people & precious moments. Like photographs I wish to keep everything for nearly EVER. Even when it's long over do. So this year I'm practicing the art of letting the universe do its thing. Not pushing or pulling...simply being & allowing what's meant for me to be for me... While all things require work and some effort, it should never feel like an impossible uphill battle. So while I'm working on so many things & setting goals. I'm also accepting that some things are out of my hands & must be left to God & the universe. That no matter how much work we put in, certain things only work if they work. Others, no matter what you do, they won't. So non-attachment is the theme of 2017, to put effort where effort is required & that's it...

Guess you can stay tuned to see what Eliz has to talk about this year... it's always an adventure, and I will always have a story to continue telling....

Happy New Year my loyal readers.... Hope 2017 is magical for you....

Signs the girl that is setting goals & crushing them