Monday, January 28, 2019

The Art Of Overthinking...

2019 is 28 days in & already I feel I'm learning a lot... as we all should be, always. 

Life is like one dragged out lesson... 

I'm a fairly open book, not in the sense that I publicly spread my personal news, or that I tell anyone that would listen all my life updates, like the nail technician.... But I do often share my thoughts, experiences , woes, with those closest to me. I enjoy hearing people out, hearing their thought process and how they view things, how they take in information. "What would you do", "how do you see this". Until I realized that my over thinking was often fed & triggered by the thoughts & opinions of the people I was closest to. 

If you know me well, you 

A) know I over think absolutely everything 
B) I've gone to you various times to hear me out

... that is until now... 

I've taken a break on B, which has caused a tremendous influence on A... I've decided to cut back on having people "hear me out", because most people don't know how to be soundboards, it's human nature to give their thoughts & opinions, its absolutely every one's right. But the reality is, most people just want someone to listen to them, not school them, teach them or guide them on things no one really knows how to do "Right". Unlike math lessons, in life 2+2 is not always 4... Not that I don't want to hear your input, more like your input is interfering with my own personal goals, desires, objectives... and that's where we have a problem. Those who care for us tend to give opinions, loaded with judgment and half ass information. 

While yes it is often healthy to hear the thoughts of an outsider looking in... NO it should not trigger such constant discomfort where you are doing things you aren't even sure you want to, based on the thoughts of everyone else. OR even if you aren't taking action based on their words, you create a constant strain in your inner balance. 

The reality is, EVERYONE... is amazing at giving advice, yet NOT so great at following it themselves. It took me 32 years of life to finally accept & realize that everyone does the things they want, while telling you the things that is "Right" to do. & it doesn't work that way, we must always reflect on ourselves and our own situations before we judge others. (which is also why I've taken a break from Judging in 2019, and lord was I judgy, because it's been tough) 

People close to us want to have so much of a say in what we do, so much so that people now take your silence and reservation as if your holding a secret, as if your personal decision is something that HAS to be shared. I guess in their defense it's what people are use to. 

2019 is 28 days in...and for the first time I have a spotless mind... not consumed by over thinking or anxiety on my decisions/choices/ life track... I'm not holding a secret just guarding my thoughts by not letting yours in. No one is doing it right, everyone is just doing it different... so focus on your choices, your problems & your accomplishments... because that's what I'm doing... 

fall back, small pack.. I'm doing me.

Signs the girl protecting her choices.