Friday, March 25, 2016

"I'm not an active member"

We all know them... those people that claim they aren't active on social media... the people that have convinced themselves that they aren't as active as you because they don't post as frequently. The ones that "don't use it much", but every time you look over at their phone they are on one of the platforms.

I sit & wonder why are people trying so hard (Pretty much just as hard as the person that post every hour). It's the year 2016, who cares if you do or don't. Let's just be real with ourselves.

I wouldn't care at all, if these weren't the SAME people that make comments like

"you post a lot",
"you post everything", 
" you live on social media"... 

Yes...I have been an active social media user since before it was called social media, I've been fascinated by the internet & it's function since back when my screenname was Starliz12, since the days I shared a JUNO email account with my sisters (if you know about JUNO, I fucks with you), I'm a low key techy at heart, so it's not all about the social aspect of it, it's the algorithm behind it, the actual technology...mixed with the posting my drunk friends dabbing & that amazing lighting selfie that the world HAS to see.

YES, I'm an active public user & you're an active private user... you might actually log on more than I do, It's just that I happen to use it for it's SHARE. I publicly speak my mind, & you privately look at everything I post. I publicly post pictures of my outing & you privately look at every ones pictures of their outing. You look at strangers, friends & foes, I post strangers, quotes & friends.

There is a difference between not posting a lot, & not being on it a lot...LEARN IT

So all you "I'm not an active member, but I really am" people... go suck my active social media nuts.

signs the girl that publicly does what you do low key.