Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Guy Friends...

I feel like I've been blessed and cursed.
I'm surrounded by a lot of amazing, established, well put together individuals. (Ok, fine, maybe they're all fucked up in the head, but still good people)...

Unfortunately for my future husband (where ever he might be)...
a lot of my friends...

NO!, I'm not one of those people that says "I get along better with guys", because the reality is, I get along with guys & girls alike. I just happen to hang out with a lot of guys, probably (pretty much matter of fact) because I have the mouth & liver of a sailor, and have the humor of a teenage boy, & at 29 years old not many of my girls are willing & able to go bar hopping, but that's neither here nor there.

So, why do I bring this up. Well, because it's obviously an issue when dating. Guys don't have a problem with it, until they have a problem with it. No one obviously wants to see their love interest surrounded by bulky guys chugging bear, all smiles, laughs, insiders and inappropriate jokes. OF COURSE, I'm well aware of this... But it's become "difficult" to set these boundaries. It's difficult to fathom the fact that I may in fact have to distance myself from all the boys I love the most... for possibly the one guy I'll give all my love to.

I wonder if when I meet this guy, it will be an automatic reaction to do so, or if it will take me a while to set these boundaries, or If by the time I meet him all my guy friends will be grandpa's and not even hanging with me lol...

These are obvious concerns that have been brought up in the past...rightfully so. I'm not saying I don't know where it's coming from, I'm just saying... I wish things were a little different. I wish I could wholeheartedly keep & love my friends as is, while establishing a healthy long term relationship with someone.

These aren't just guys I drink with from time to time, these are guys that have seen me at my worst, have seen me broken, have held me up, guys I talk to almost on a daily basis, because they are in fact my friends. (If you don't know about friendships, then maybe this is difficult to grasp)... But I love my guy friends, the way girl friends love their girls ( I love my girls too, don't need them getting upset over this either)...

But my guys are my guys... and I just want things to work...
Who knew being one of the guys would mean essentially I wouldn't have a guy...


Signs the girl that thinks too much...


  1. are going to have to date one of the guys in your guy pool. They know the other guys, you guys are all out any ways, and who knows you best. Sounds simple right?

    Signs the guy thats one of the guys in your guy circle

    1. LMFAO... Yeah, if it just worked that way! So simple right lol...
