Here I sit about to turn another year older... another year "wiser"...
Oh 28, how sweet you have been. I'm about to embark in the last year of my 20's...
& As I do every year, I reflect on the last 28.
But let's focus a little on the last year and the lessons I have learned in 12 short months...
- 30 isn't quite as scary as it was last year. (weird how that works, at 27 I almost cried about it, this year I'm embracing it)
- Scars are not permanent fixtures in our souls, time does in fact heal everything (look at you smile baby girl)
- You can & will in fact like boys the same way you did as a teen, age & experience won't change that, if you don't let it. (Who knew you could still feel butterflies)
- Confidence does in fact grow with age, that or you really just give less f**ks (I've never felt this amazing) '
- You really never stop learning. Except this time around you start taking notes and reflecting on it. (To avoid repeated lessons... lets just say I failed a few life classes)
- Even at 28 you'll meet new people in your life that you want to keep for a long time. (you always think you'll eventually stop making new soulmates, but you don't)
- Most people don't have their shit fully together, so stop panicking if you're not where you thought you should be. Because there's no such thing. (Live in the moment)
- It's ok not to reach out to people 24/7, show your love & keep it moving. let people reach out to you (still working on it)
- Closing chapters & books isn't as scary as you thought. Endings can be quite sweet. (closed a lot of chapters this year)
- The universe always gives you what you ask for, so be careful what you wish for...(Practicing my wishing skills)
- Don't let anyone tell you you're old. You're not quite a teenager, but you're not over the hill either. Not sure when 20's/30's started being "old". (at 40 I'll laugh at myself for thinking 29 was old)
Thank you 28... & hello 29, I'm ready for you...
Signs the girl that is ready.
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