Since as far back as I could remember New York summers always left me with the best stories to tell. Endless lessons that I will carry with me forever, and adventures that one could never replicate.
Must be something in the air...
This summer added a bit of a bonus, it already had many interesting short stories... But this trip pretty much summed up a series of lessons that I have learned in summer 2016... Some I probably should have known/learned before, but it only all came together in these moments...
When you're alone you're forced to observe more than usual & you're forced to listen to your deepest thoughts. Especially when you're displaced from your norm... I don't mean being alone in your room, but alone in a place where you must adjust your reality..
so this is what adjusting my reality taught me...showed me...forced me to see..
- Romance could be found in the strangest places, not just an intimate partner
- Be cautious but not fearful...
- "Don't talk to strangers" should only apply to children
- Everyone should take a trip alone at least once in their lives
- The unknown isn't as scary as it seems, In fact it's often better than the things you already know
- You're capable of more than you ever thought you were
- Trust people, no matter how many times you've been let down... If you go around closing yourself off, you'll truly end up alone and with no one to turn to.
- Having people that love & worry for you does indeed make you feel like you can conquer the world, surround yourself with those people.
- Never stop dating your husband, his unhappiness shows a mile away, pay attention to him. You don't realize how unhappy married men with young children look, until observing everyone is all you have left to do. & I sure saw this, one too many times
- In turn... Colombian men have no shame in staring at other women while with their wives. Be careful with those...
- We won't always know where our tears are coming from, but let them flow.
- Being able to spend time with your own thoughts is the best cleanse you'll ever experience
- Take yourself on dates more often
- Always wear the pretty outfit, for any occasion, nothing wrong with being picture ready.
- You're never over dressed... ever
- Travel/Vacation as often as possible, getting away from the routine of life, makes you appreciate life a lot more.
- Being single isn't a bad thing once you've learn to appreciate your own company...
- Learn to appreciate your own company, be alone for a little bit it makes you see things differently.
- & by alone, I mean really alone...
- Love is shown in so many different ways... worry/concern over your well being is one of them.
- Take risk... Like riding on a motorcycle, walking an unknown path, smiling at a stranger...
- Home will always be home, but learn to get comfortable anywhere... live like a gypsy.
- Learn to put your phone down sometimes...
- No one is a better friend to you than you... your gut never lies.
- It's usually the one that you least expect that takes your breath away...
I'm sure I'm missing a lot of other minor things... but these pretty much sum up what summer 2016 has meant for me (still a few weeks left)...along with what my trip taught me... I entered 30 feeling like a new person filled with quite the story to tell and one yet to be written...
signs the girl that will carry these lessons forever..
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