Monday, August 29, 2016


Tolerance in relationships has been a hot topic of conversation lately & on my mind for quite some time. 

Tolerance-  Noun- The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with

Next to compromise, tolerance is probably one of  the top 5 things that keeps a relationship going (in my humble single opinion). Tolerance to me is the ability to swallow your pride, put your natural beliefs aside and tolerate certain things for the sake of making something work. Obviously we all have a variance in tolerance levels. Some people tolerate pretty extreme ends of the spectrum, while others can't tolerate the most minimal inconvenience. 

I'd like to believe I fall somewhere in the middle, but that's likely not true. I'm not sure I put up with much or am ever really fully willing to put my own opinions aside in order for something to just work... which probably explains why nothing has. Yet I'm fully aware that this is the one requirement needed in order to create that life society so often shoves down our throat. It's one of the most difficult parts of most partnerships, it's deciding it's worth to make this work so you have to turn your cheek. It's an understanding that as humans we will make mistakes, we will disagree, we will do things we said we wouldn't and being okay with it, time & time again.  Tolerance is the ability to swallow your pride and deciding that this is what you want for yourself so you will make due with what you have. 

We obviously always automatically think of worst case scenarios, physically, mentally or spiritually abusive situations. But I think we have to step away from those extremes. Those aren't every day situations and are circumstances in only some relationships.  

I'm thinking more the everyday mundane situations... someones work ethic, how they interact with family & friends, Their cleaning habits, Their eating habits, how they communicate, how they show love, bad habits, addictions, etc etc it's an endless list of things people can develop a strong distaste for, but we have to decide throughout if we care to look past those seemingly minimal or big things. If being with this person or someone matters more to you than all these things. Essentially if you want to make this work despite these things... 

It's tolerance... 

Some of us have a lot of it, and others don't... I guess you have to decide what you're willing to put up with & for who. Maybe once you find the person you really want to be with, you adjust your tolerance levels and make things work no matter the circumstance...

or maybe some of us never learn and just can't make it work...

Guess we'll see & find out..

signs the girl deciding her tolerance level.... 

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