I have this trait, that some days I wonder if I should shake off...& other times I think it's the best thing about me...
you see I have this odd ability to assume the best of everyone until proven otherwise...& even when I am proven otherwise, I try to rationalize their reasoning in doing what they did/do. I try to see the best in people despite the often fucked up things they do. If I care at all for you, or saw even an ounce of goodness, that ounce overflows to buckets & makes up for the bad you may or may not be doing.
People tend to always defend their actions, & not see the wrong in what they do, I too do that for them. I try to put logic to things that have no valid substance. No matter how much I force myself (yes literally force) to see someone for the layer of "bad" that they have shown/proven... I dig & dig to see the layers of good that every single person does have. I'm a strong believer of that & try to find it in everyone that I know personally.
I guess I just don't think people are capable of some of the things that they indeed do. Given... I haven't been faced with too many situations where I'm interacting with a serial killer. So I can't say it's a super power... I simply mean the every day "bad", the liar, cheater, thief, etc.. Trust me, people in all walks of life have done fucked up things to me. But I'm just not that person who holds a grudge about it... I might not fully stick around, but I sure won't see you as a bad person, EVER.
Some days I wonder if that's a good or bad thing... If I should hold people more accountable for their actions, if their should be consequences or I should continue to coddle them and make them feel there is indeed no wrong in their actions? That I let the universe take it's flow, with no doing of my own....
See I think all these things, while still fully believing, there is good in every one... that for every bad, there is some good... of some form... & I'll always highlight that
Soo you reading this... I will always see the best in you no matter what you do...
But I won't always stick around to witness it...not forever at least.
Signs the girl that always hopes for the best
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