Thursday, June 11, 2015

What in the Thickness??

For as long as I could remember, I've been on a variety of diets & workout regimens. When you have a Dominican mother, body image complex, is a thing very early on (as I'm sure it is in many cultures)... So I was always very self obsessed & self aware of my body.

I'm officially at the stage in my life where I'm completely confident in myself, but entirely aware that I have wayyy too much junk in the trunk. An unhealthy amount, I'd say.

So it's a couple of new battles I'm facing...

  1. I obviously think I'm way too cute to have to work out (TOO CONFIDENT)
  2. My job doesn't require me too move much at all, so I'm sitting forever...
  3. I'm getting older, sooo every doughnut shows 
  4. 2 weeks at the gym, won't quite do the trick anymore
  5. I drink like a pirate 
All these things put together create the cute plump girl writing this right now. I just don't seem to have the commitment I once did. I haven't entirely let myself go either. I don't sit at home eating my life away. I just don't work out regularly & make poor choices on what I'm eating sometimes. It's almost like in my head I'm still my 20 year old self & things are still functioning the same... 

Apparently "thick is in", but not the natural kind, more like the "nip tuck, I might be a stripper" thick. & let's face it, I'm not really about the surgery life (more power to ya, if you're down)... 

Well WAKE UP CALL, you're a bit too thick now baby're fa...bulous (As my supportive Yohoes have now picked up calling me)... && I need to get it together, because the battles I listed above aren't going anywhere, so it's up to me to make some changes... some serious healthy changes. 

I was asked today what my body image goal is... & for the first time in my life I don't have an image I envy...All I really want in life is to be comfortable naked, for myself... 

So time to get to it...because seriously....

-signs the girl that could lose a few... 

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