Thursday, November 5, 2015

Convenient Forgetfulness.

As a person with HORRID memory, I guess I can see how some people forget things...

But, it's still a little awkward when you encounter individuals with "Convenient Forgetfulness".
When someone forgets certain details & facts for the sole purpose of making:

  1. Their story look better 
  2. Make themselves feel better about a situation
  3. To make an invalid point to contradict someone elses story. 

The list can really go on & on. The reasons why it's done is in fact endless, & I get it. I get why all these things are important to some people, why sometimes we lie to ourselves so much that we start forgetting factual pieces of a story. Why, when things fall into place and you're in a better place, you rather NOT highlight all the other details.

We shouldn't live in the past anyway, we shouldn't let all those experiences fog our future & present.

Let me tell you when it stops being...fine...
when you use your edited version to make yourself look better in comparison & when you try to retell the story to someone who was there & experienced it.
Given, all situations will always appear different based on your perspective. How people view things will never fully align, it's the nature of the beast.
But sometimes, from time to time it's flooring how different the same situation can look from different angles. Almost like an optic illusion of sorts. One we sometimes create for ourselves.

It seems as if it's a human trait to edit how things happened to make ourselves or our story just flow better. But when does it stop being just pure forgetfulness and just total illusion?

I.Am.Not.Perfect. I'm quite sure in my own head I've probably altered a story or two, but rest assure, I own up to my dumb shit, each.and.every, time.
Know, that I am not embarrassed by the decisions I make.
How my life looks in comparison to someone else, means jackshit to me.

but don't listen to me...
I'm a single girl who's a walking contradiction.

-Signs the girl tired of peoples shit.

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