Thursday, October 29, 2015

What are you good at?

If you were asked, right now... 
tell me 3 things you are really good at. 
Would you know what to say? 

...Let's backtrack a little before I get into this... 

I recently purchased an amazing agenda/planner. One that I decided to fill with inspirational quotes and goals instead of daily plans. I write things as minor as "Smile today" to as more in depth as "write where you see your career a year from today". All in all, it's a daily scrapbook/vision board/journal/reminder book/bible that I made my own...

Today happens to read "List 3 things that you are good at"... When I wrote it, I did not worry... but as the day approached I grew some anxiety. As if this was a test of sorts. As if writing these 3 simple things would determine my future. As if I was just meeting myself and had no idea what I'm good at...


OR maybe because I still have no idea how to put into words all the things I'm REALLY good at. Maybe because I question all my skill-sets, possibly because I doubt all my abilities and don't necessarily consider them note worthy. Probably because my arrogance levels were lowered and it took some of my confidence with it. Or maybe simply because I'm alright at a lot of things, but never really certain if "really good"...enough.

Don't get me wrong, from reading this you might get the wrong impression of me. Might sound like I truly lack confidence and put myself down a lot. I don't, in fact I work hard to humble myself and pop this constant bubble I live in, which I feel the world & every ones life in it, revolves around me... I think quite highly of myself and what I offer the universe...

except I can't happen to name all the reasons why... or at least I haven't come around to really think about it... I haven't forced myself to list the top 3 selling Eliz Points. (and not list my usual answers, I'm good at dancing, drinking beer and eating chicken lol lol, but I must say... I'm good) But to really indepth list ALL the things I'm really good at and select the TOP 3...

but I will...

try it with me today...

signs the girl looking for her top 3.

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