Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Rule: One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere
Norm: Something that is usual, typical, or standard. 

Society created rules in order for us to become a "civilized" bunch. These norms were  created so that we can continue to evolve and not be as barbaric as our beginnings. Certain things became enforced norms. Obviously, since the beginning of time people have questioned these things, & have stepped outside of what people expect you do, some more than others.

Norms & rules have become such a part of us, so much so that if you do something that doesn't follow these norms your happiness is immediately questioned. Your thought process is immediately doubted and it's almost automatically seen as "not right"... It's as if not doing what everyone else has done or how they did it, makes it an automatic formula to failure.

Almost as if we forget that we are evolving creatures that constantly adjust to our habitat and setting. That when we make a decision that doesn't go with the expectation of someone else, it's often because we were forced to adjust based on our own reality. & certain things just work for different people. But, once you've become so use to these norms & rules, we begin to question even our own decisions when they are different than what we know.

Don't get me wrong, I've found myself in various ends of this spectrum at different instances in my life. From the judgy person who questions why someone is doing things a certain way. To the person that does things somewhat unconventionally, as if I make my own rules. I'm the girl that steps in & out of the box, quite often in one single situation. I don't do well with norms & rules, but like the comfort of order, all at the same time. So I find that I'm often battling myself, getting in constant disagreements about my own decisions.

What I want to do versus what I'm use to doing. 
What I'm doing versus what I assume I should be doing
Deciding if "right" is a decision I made or was it made for me... 

We usually have preconceived notions of how things are suppose to go, how they should begin & end. The timeline they should follow and when exactly in life all these things should be happening. We've engraved expectations in our souls that the second something is not aligned with it, we question absolutely everything about it.

At least I do.

Don't get me wrong... I continuously do whatever I want, but always with doubt. Shamed by the expectations society has set on my shoulders.

signs the girl who's choosing a blank slate.

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