Not sure what it is about human nature, but we all at some point or other require the validation of someone else in order to feel like what we do or say holds weight. You'd assume this is something we grow out of, but it's not (at least not yet). The validation & from whom you require it, changes, but the need for it seems to linger around. Like we need the praise or approval of other people to make what we do or say matter. This does not hold true for all parts of our lives, the older I get the less validation I need in some aspects of my life. That does not change that sometimes from time to time I want someone to say "yeah, you're right", "yeah, you're doing good", "Good Job"!
Or maybe we do grow out of it all together, guess we have to age & find out.
We are also always seeking stability, but what does that really mean? Is anything ever really "Stable". In reality everything can fall apart at any given moment, because that's life. So why are we seeking something that essentially doesn't exist? The older I get the more I crave this false sense of stability. The more I desire to feel like I have things under control. It's a great, passive feeling which gets questioned constantly no matter how your life is. It's like we're setting ourselves up for failure seeking a state of mind that doesn't really exist. A state of mind whose fundamental parts require you to achieve milestones not entirely set by your own standards, but those set by society.
So what is it all really, what is true validation & what does stability really you?
I can sit here & write over 100 meanings it has in my life... and I'll bet a lot of our ideas match. But are we setting ourselves up for disappointment? are these validation truly valid to our existence? & when does that feeling of stability really kick in? Being a society that is never truly satisfied, is that feeling ever attainable?
I am no where near the person I was 2-3 years ago, heck I'm not even the same person I was last year, YET with everything I've accomplished I still seek this validation from everyone telling me that I'm doing well for myself & I sill wish to reach this imaginably euphoric sense of stability. I'm not there yet... not at all...
But will I ever be ...there?
Signs the girl seeking your validation that no one else has felt stable
Nice post. It is really interesting and very informative. Thanks for sharing the post.