Monday, October 19, 2015


I love to talk...a lot, a whole freaking lot...
(If you didn't figure it out from my future brand name "ElizTalks")...

I also listen well... I capture things from just about every interaction I have with a person.

I'm all about conversation, about exchanging thoughts with another individual. It's the ONLY way you can ever really get to know someone. Not only from sharing past experiences, but from seeing their view points on a array of topics. You learn how someone ticks, you learn so much if you pay close attention. You could capture the essences of an individual even while simply discussing chicken, from something more serious like World Peace. Every conversation will let you decipher how a person functions on different levels.

Some people are obviously better conversationalist, and some people just vibe well with you so conversation flows regardless of their habits.

I truly, genuinely, cherish the people I surround myself with. They all fulfill different parts of my need to express my thoughts & opinions. Some people lend a nonjudgmental, keen listening ear that can not be replaced. People who are good at offering their opinions & know when to simply hear you out (even when you are retelling a story)...

While others...well some people can't hold a decent conversation for the life of them. People that aren't mature enough to exchange contradictory ideas are also not on my favorite list. Or people that continuously wish to discuss the same topics. Don't get me wrong, I have a few topics I can revisit over & over again, But if all you offer me is the same interaction, then I become bored... quickly... Then it makes me question our relationship. Makes me wonder what it is that we offer each other.

Conversations define my relationships, they make or break how I view you...

It defines how long I'll keep you in my life.

Signs the girl always making conversation...

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