Basically I do everything wrong. ::welp::
The only thing I manage to do right in life is the ability to be extremely open to recognizing my flaws. Not because I put myself down, but because I'm really big on self reflection & well aware the things around us are directly related to our own actions & energy...
with that said...
I'm a fraud.
I'm quite good at showing all of my subtle, "not that serious" emotions, way too good actually. I know how to make a 2.5 into a 10. But when my feelings are actually a 10, I'm good at making them look like a 2.5. WHY?!
I've yet to discover why I show my sentiments sooo ass backwards. Then I sit and wonder how things go from 0-100 in certain situations... REAL QUICK.
I need to take a course, a class of sorts that show you the art of showing exactly what you feel. I don't intentionally shelter my heart, & I don't intentionally act extra, where extra isn't required.
I want the seemingly complicated ability to love & show that love. To appreciate & show appreciation. In moderate levels & to the indicated people. I'm good at showing all these fake emotions, but none of the real ones. So I have people I love, thinking I dislike them, & the people I have minor feelings for, thinking I love them... The fugz...
I need some help pronto.
I also need to admit my own feelings to myself. I'm good at saying "nah, I don't care that much", when deep down I'm a mess & care THAT MUCH.
Man Listen... I need to get my thoughts, emotions/feelings together...
Signs the fake.