Friday, September 4, 2015

"Do Not Answer"

Have you ever changed a contacts name on your phone? (multiple times)
I'm quite infamous for this, from altering emoji's, to deleting contacts all together.
(Disclaimer: I don't do this to just any ol' friend, it's obviously to reallllly close ones...and you know...the really really close intimate ones lol, I don't spend my days editing numbers).... 

One thing I have always heard of people doing, is changing their contacts names to "Do Not Answer" "Do Not Reply" "Ignore", this done solely so they wouldn't answer for a variety of personal reasons. (aside from trying to hide out from bill collectors)

I never felt the need to do this, because as long as the number is saved, I'll likely use it. & let's face it, I do what I want!

This concept did not phase me until recent years...
you see, I happen to find out someone had me saved under "Do Not Answer"- ( I know, I was shocked too, who would ever want to ignore me)... I was obviously shocked, and a bit hurt...followed by puzzled because despite the contact name change I was being contacted... I didn't fully understand, but cut the situation right there and then.

FAST FORWARD to present day... and here I am using the same fake ass technique... and changing a contact name to "DO NOT ANSWER"... clearly already failing to work. It serves as a reminder that you shouldn't answer, but essentially you knew that before the person even contacted you. In fact it just makes you feel silly because you're replying/answering a contact name that says not to.

But sometimes, you need a little nudge, you need to remind yourself that you're silly for entertaining certain things, you need to know when to just cut something out. You need a constant warning whenever you're contacted...

all in all, no two situations are ever alike and everyone does things for their own reasons. BUT all I can say is...I get it now...

signs the girl still answering

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