Monday, December 21, 2015


I'm currently watching a novela in which something was said that triggered a few thoughts (you'd be surprised the quotes you can get out of a good novela). What was said was, that often, dreams feed our souls more than money ever will. That hopes are what keep us alive and moving forward, that without them we lose a spark within us.

I can honestly say, I agree.

I'm not sure if to call myself hopeful, a dreamer, or naive, but I continuously believe that things will always somehow work the way I've intended them to. I remain positive that certain things will somehow unravel exactly how I wanted them to.

either I'm a true dreamer... or a masochist of sorts

You see, part of being a dreamer is my blinding ability to look at the good in everyone. The hopeful heart to see the positive in all situations...the small amount of hope that remains even in the most hopeless of situations...

Osea, cuando me conviene. 

I'm not exactly a nitwit (trust me, I play the role well, but in order to make the decisions I make, I must play the part). I'm more than aware of the things that occur around me. I often choose to see what I want to see instead of what is actually standing right in front of me. Its a matter of convenience, its a matter of keeping hope alive and the only way to accomplish that is turning a blind eye. This blind eye often disguising itself as hope.

Which leaves me wondering... are dreams really what feeds our souls? Does hope fill us with emptiness instead of truly completing us. Are these false expectations of how things are suppose to turn out essentially hurting us in the long run?...

Its not that I sit here and think of fairy-tales and happy endings...  Its not that I only see things how I want to see them...

Its that sometimes, from time to wish for once things would turn out the way you wanted them to.

But in the end, hope, dreams, wishful thinking...often leaves us in situations & circumstances we shouldn't be in. Hope leaves us battered & beat....hope is not always our friend, but our worst enemy...

so I leave you with this...
Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.--Friedrich Nietzsche

signs the girl that dreams from time to time...

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