Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Layers on layers on layers....

We often, 
admire; observe; judge; comment; idolize; envy; take note,
of the relationships around us, be it friendships, romantic relationships or family interactions. We either go based on what we see, what we hear or what you post. Other times we go solely on information shared with us.

No matter how much we mind our own business & stay in our lane, a tiny centimeter inside us forms opinion about other people, be it good or bad.

Thanks to social media our life audience has grown and we definitely have expanded our so-call knowledge on certain relationships.

It's almost as if we forget that there's so many layers in ever single relationship,
As if we forget, that in order to fully understand it, and grasp it's meaning we would have to be in it.
As if we forget, that in our own stories, we often leave out plenty of details that would change perspectives, not on purpose but simply because no one ever does a full play by play, it's impossible & quite boring.

We also forget that every time we give someone a snippet into our relationships, we also give them incomplete backlog of information to use moving forward. Essentially, you morph the opinions people form on your relationship (aside from people that are constantly with you &  form opinions off observation, & even so, it's a snippet of those moments) ... You share information and based on how you share it and with who , you're having them develop an opinion, even when they don't care or want to. Their advice will essentially be based on all the things you told them, so if you have nothing but good things to tell them they won't know how to help, same goes if you have only bad hings to say.

We have to be cautious with what we share and cautious with how seriously we take the things people are telling us. People will not understand your happiness if you only share the bad, People will not understand your sadness if you only share the good. So never expect anyone to understand...

So next time you're 
admiring; observing; judging; commenting; idolizing; envying; taking note,
Remember... you only know a snippet, so you might be completely off in your conclusion... Not understanding the many layers of every person and situation makes your thoughts on it inconclusive. 

signs the girl acknowledging layers 

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