Monday, December 7, 2015

Shut Up, Eliz!

Soo... It's a recurring theme in my life to encounter people that think I need to be shaken up a bit. That somehow I need a constant clap back battle to be satisfied. That in order to be in a successful partnership I need someone to tell me to shut up from time to time...


The reality is, I am a tough cookie by nature. Not sure what exactly made me this way ( I guess I can think of 3-10 things). My humor and sarcasm can be misunderstood and if you don't know me well enough, or long enough, it's not always taken lightly. Eventually everyone realizes I'm a teddy bear so they disregard all the jabs I throw, but it takes some time. It takes a few interactions, it takes you having a quick tongue right back. People seem to get past it, because I'm a sweetheart essentially and once you get past the remarks, you realize I'm a good ol' time... (reference sourpatch post)

Either everyone gets over it, they have developed tough skin OR, I've become completely oblivious to anyone else feelings (wouldn't be a first). I mean, I don't make people cry or anything (well, I guess there has been a few incidents).

But I have my moments.

My intention is never to be mean, or to come out of pocket. It's simply how my humor is set up, I tend to forget not everyone finds what I have to say funny. Not everyone knows me enough, to know that the easiest way to interact with me is to either ignore me, or give it right back to me. That I shouldn't be taken too seriously 45% of the time.

I'm not a snappy Latina, that's always rolling her eyes...BUT, sometimes I could be that, I could match the stereotype, be it at work, with family, friends & men. Some remarks I just can't physically hold in, the things some people do & say just need to be commented on...

I guess I do need to be shaken up... maybe I do need someone to tell me to shut up... maybe I do need to shut up. ...

-Signs the girl that needs to zip it, lock it, put it in her pocket (sometimes).

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