Thursday, February 12, 2015

Every action has a reaction...

"You reap what you sow"

Every single decision you make in life comes with a series of results or consequences. Things that not only effect you, but those around you. Some of which you see instantly, other things only noticed in retrospect. 

It's human nature to blame everything & everyone, but yourself, for everything that happens. Trust me, I've had my fair share of, "that happened because Becky was a cunt, period".... Only to realize "ohhhh, I was the one that took Beckys pencil, never returned it & then lost it..." 
But for my own sake, lets stick to Becky was a cunt. 

It's soo much easier to notice the decisions & results of everyone else. Possibly because self reflection is often overwhelming & complicated. 
While observing is easy. We do that naturally & without trying. 

About a year or 2 ago (or yesterday, who's counting) I found myself in a few predicaments which I was forced to finally (wo)man up & accept that my decisions led me exactly where I was then & where I am today. 

Unfortunately it's still a work in progress. 
It's still a matter of making a conscience decision to take blame for the fire pits I constantly find myself in. 

I do this often now. 

Except now its created a whole other set of issues. Like looking around me & wanting to shake people & yell "YOU CHOSE THIS"
Obviously I don't. 
1) who the heck am I to tell anyone that, 
2) I don't have energy for all that, I have my own issues to deal with. 

You'd think knowing all this, I'd make better decisions. (I Don't). I'm just aware of what & where my decisions will lead me. (Apparently I find fire pits particularly cozy). 
I still have to shake myself up from time to time...

"Maturity" to me, is not doing everything right, it's accepting the things you've done wrong & working on them. 

In the end, do whatever the heck you want. truth is, I do & everyone does anyway.
be aware that whatever the heck you want, often comes with a whole bunch of "what the fuck"s...
stuff you don't particularly want. 

-Signs the girl that doesn't have it at all together

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