Thursday, February 26, 2015

Useless Carry-on

I'm unsure why some of us do this to ourselves.
We drag around a heavy heavy heavy carry-on.
A carry-on filled with absolutely useless stuff, a carry-on that would be perfectly fine if we left it in the gutter.

Why carry it then? 
Why continue to drag something that in the end is that "insignificant"? 
If it does nothing for you, why bring it along for the trip... 

No, really, someone tell me, I need answers! 

It's as if we pack a bag with things that eventually will become useful to us. But what are the chances that something that simply makes your trip ahead a little more burdensome, miraculously becomes useful? 

I've learned that it doesn't. But we become so accustomed to things, even the most uncomfortable things, that eventually we simply can't just leave it behind. 

So I figured the only real solution is unpacking one item at a time... lighten the load until eventually you have nothing left to carry... 

and then can carry on. 

-signs the girl with less to carry

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