Divorce- a complete separation between two things
It's like joining a secret society.
Some people bond over hobbies and similar interest.
over a common life changing experience.
I chuckle with the reality that a lot of people I know don't even know I was married.
Like it was a great big secret...
I guess not as big a secret as the fact that I'm divorced.
I'm 28 & Divorced
a pill.
quite difficult to swallow.
I finally did.
I let go of all the negative connotation attached to the experience.
I let go of the bitter feeling it leaves in your heart
I let go of the doubt of it possibly being a mistake
I let go of thinking I did something wrong...
I let go.
& that's exactly what divorce really is. It's the complete separation between two things.
It's deciding, "Hey, this isn't working, lets end it".
(Just add a few dollar signs, court visits, lawyer consultations, & 100 arguments in between)
It's taking yet another leap of faith just like the day you decided to make this union.
Except this time.
you do so alone...
a bit battered & even more so unsure of whats to come.
But you do so knowing so much more about yourself.
letting go of the badge of shame & carrying a new badge of knowledge...
you learn more about yourself than you ever thought you would.
eventually you realize
this is exactly what you were suppose to do... & it was worth every hurdle it took to get there.
Not everyone gets the chance to start over.
I did.
-Signs the girl that finally let go
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