Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Year In Review 2016...

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road... 
time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go...
so make the best of this test & don't ask why..."

Here we go again... another 365 days...52 weeks...8,760 hours...coming to an end, while another 365 face us ahead...ready to change absolutely everything.

Looking back to 2016 overwhelms me, and not in a bad way the way other previous unmentionable years have... But in a very filling, growing, memorable way. So much happened this year that has truly molded the next chapter of my life. I entered my 30th chapter this year, so that within itself is enough to remember. I guess I didn't realize how much would actually happen, but at this point I'm not sure how I'm even surprised. How I could look back at a full year and still be left in shock with how much transpired.

One thing I'll say, is that I'm extremely proud of myself for the goals set & met this year. How for once "new year, new me" was actually manifested... & if nothing else, I'll take that with me and continue on that path, as best possible. But, like all years, It wasn't all roses & sunflowers... It had it's fair share of tears, fears, heartbreaks & let downs. It had moments that tested everything I stand for, and it has changed me. It had untold stories and secrets. It had things that I wish I could change. Things that I don't fully understand just yet, but know that in the long-run it will all make sense.

So many new beginnings, mixed with endings. Changed relationships/friendships, strengthen bonds, and solidified paths... so many intricate parts that make 2016 worth writing about. It was a year that like so many others will one day be determinant to where I am in life down the line. The decisions made today, will in fact be seen tomorrow... I'm ready to see where this path takes me...

I guess this year, like so many others will hold a special place in this story of mine... I appreciate it for what it was.

Cheers to a new one to come...

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right... I hope you had the time of your life..."

signs the girl ready for the next ride...