Friday, March 20, 2015


I could probably write all day about modern day dating, (or new age "talking to someone")...
so many angles to take it. (eee--yooo)

Is it weird that people seem to have been more open to commitment when we were younger. Now that we "should be", everyone is fully about that non committal life. Like no titles is the safest approach. Like we were all let down from our previous commitments that everyone unanimously decided, no strings attached was best.

The F**k! 

...It's complicated out in these streets... to say the least.

So many factors to deal with,

  • ex's
  • families
  • friends
  • social media
  • previous experiences
  • childhood traumas
  • new age thinking
the list could go on & on... as humans we're complex, and the reality is, in your 20's you're still trying to figure yourself out, so the chances of you ever figuring someone else out is never going to truly happen... (My parents have been married for 37 years, my mom is still trying to figure my dad out)... 

I personally don't date that much, not because I don't want to, (because trust me I sure like being wined & dined)... but because I rarely like anyone. I love people, don't get me wrong, I'm the furthest thing from a loner... BUT when it comes to that connection, that attraction... it's absolutely rare for me. I instantly know when I do or do not like someone in that way. Therefore, I'm not exactly out & about, making love connections every weekend, because I don't even give it a chance. 
I wouldn't say I'm picky, (more like my heart is) I don't have a list that must be followed, I just go with a instant feeling... if I don' feel it, it's not happening buddy... 

but where was I... ah, yes...why dating is complicated... (more complicated than I am)...

What I feel has definitely made modern day dating a bit different than "back in the day", is how open minded people have become about... 

It's no longer taboo... being a prude is rarity these days. Not sex for the purpose of love & procreation, but down & dirty bend me over & call me papi...SEX. 
Women are no longer afraid of it, men no longer have to work as hard for it... It's available, it's out there and in some cases people cut the dating part out and go straight to the fun stuff... 

But how do you go from the "fun stuff" to the serious stuff... How do you possibly take step backwards? How do you build a solid foundation in something that was initiated in-between flimsy cotton sheets... 

When you figure it out... let me know..

signs the girl that isn't about this life

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