Monday, June 1, 2015

Are you ready?

I've been asking myself this a lot lately.
Are you ready?

Something deep down feels like I'm reaching a turning point in my life. Like I've reached a pivotal crossroad.

Are you ready?

My road to 30... I've been on this road since I was born clearly... But now I've been walking it with a purpose. It's a scary feeling to feel like you've done nothing that you've set out to do. But a comforting feeling to know you have accomplished a lot, despite not being exactly where you imagined you would be.

Are you ready?

Never thought that at 28 I'd be single & living with a roommate. Neither are bad things, just not exactly how I pictured it. My goals in life have shifted through the years, LIFE HAPPENS, so you're often forced to change the master plan. You learn to use a pencil when jotting plans down. I guess I never realized how much I'd be using an eraser.

Are you ready?

Life isn't a race & despite what society says, there isn't a "right way" to do things. (except for children, our biological clocks are in fact ticking). Everything else, you do it the way you best see fit. But I'm not quite sure what fits anymore...

Are you ready?

My goals in life vary, where I see myself, or wish to see myself, changes often... but I have one constant... I want to be happy. While I know the state of happiness isn't constant, you go through up's & downs, no matter what. I want to be in a place in my life where I feel proud of myself. I've let myself down a lot the last few years. I guess despite all my accomplishments, I've failed my 13 yr old self from the past. Things didn't turn out the way we thought it would... & that's ok, but I have to remind myself quite often.

Are you ready to do exactly what you said you would do. To take the lessons you have learned & make the best of them. To become exactly who you know you're capable of being...

Signs the girl who wants to be ready...

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