Wednesday, October 7, 2015


One of the best things about meeting new people is how much you learn about yourself in the process. Not to say that this is the only way to self reflect, but it's a guaranteed way to analyze yourself in comparison to how someone else is.

It's by noting difference between myself and others that I realize things that I might not have been fully aware of, or never truly acknowledged.
Be it good or bad, I get to analyze someones surface, then look within myself and see how I relate and how I don't.

One of my latest discoveries is "trust". Obviously the older we get, we all develop some levels of trust issues. Some more than others. I recently discovered that while some people build trust (start from the very bottom & build up), I trust to my fullest extent , then take it from there. Not to say I blindly trust people, I've obviously experienced enough in my life not to, BUT everyone gets the benefit of the doubt. Everyone gets the trust & it's up to them where my levels end up. (I think the reason for this is because I only started being "let down", later on in life.)

While others seem to not trust at all, until they feel you've proven yourself enough to let you in. 

I'd lie and say "once you lose my trust, it's gone forever", But I'm not fully that way either. Everything changes, YES, but I think I've made so many mistakes in my lifetime that I know what it is to need forgiveness, and that's where the "build up" starts for me. That's where I start from the bottom and build up. That's where I truly begin to understand other people. It's just a bit uncomfortable, I'd say. To have to prove yourself as if you've done something wrong (from the very start), but haven't at all. It feels like righting a wrong you didn't commit.

I don't think there's a right or wrong way to go about it. You go about your life the way you've become accustomed to and the way you think best benefits you.

Trust is a gift given to you, it's up to you to take care of it & how you give it.

Signs the girl always giving that gift...

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