Monday, February 1, 2016

But, is he Pretty...

I received a semi casual non-invasive lecture this weekend...

About Relationships...

Nothing new, but for the first time it actually clicked... You hear it often "the way someone looks physically shouldn't be a major factor in choosing a life partner"... You hear it, but sometimes you don't listen... you're like ehhh no, how someone physically looks has everything to do with how far we get...

Then you hear what you just said & reconsider. You then start to wonder, if you are in fact "shallow"...

I never considered myself a shallow person, I just give very limited people the time of day. Either I like you or I don't... no real gray area. I guess I didn't consider myself shallow because it's not all physical, it's more about an energy to me. But then I realized I don't give people the chance to grow on me. I don't get to know someone to then decide how I feel. If I don't feel it from the very beginning I don't even try to figure it out from there. Which only means I'm very selective and closed off with that energy.

Has it worked out for me? Not at all as you can see. My approach hasn't exactly landed me in a long lasting fulfilling partnership... So maybe it's my approach I have to change. Maybe I should stop going for my "type" and go with what works best.

Not necessarily settling, but broadening my horizons, throwing a bigger net... Being more receptive of positive encounters.

Pretty much I might give people a shot, that I might not have wanted to originally...

I have to stop asking myself if he's pretty, because pretty won't fill my soul...

Let's see where that takes me... stay tuned for those adventures...

signs the girl changing her approach.

1 comment:

  1. So all the ugly guys can start lining up lol. Can't force certain things though, you like what you like.
