19 days ago I turned 30... and 2 days ago I returned from the most amazing trip I've ever taken in my life, thus far.
For a little over 8 years, I've been wanting to take a trip down to Colombia. 8 years of traveling to numerous other places... 8 years of knowing this is where I wanted to go, but somehow the universe not allowing it to happen. Until this year, when I went as far as putting it on my vision board & telling myself this is the year I would make this happen, no matter what.
& this is the year that it did.
When I originally planned or set out for this trip, I had no intention of going alone. I'm not a world traveler, I'm not a fearless adventurer. I do not seek thrills in discovering new things outside of my concrete jungle. I tend to be the traveler that lounges, drinks & eats...
Then this happened...
I ended up alone in Colombia (I'll spare the details on how)... I only knew I would be alone hours before I was set to board my plane. & for reasons unknown to me, I was completely calm... not nervous, not upset...just...calm. As if I knew this would be the outcome... and also because I had meditated enough to know that I would let nothing or no one ruin this experience for me...
they aren't lying when they say that when somethings "right" & meant to happen, the universe conspires and makes everything work out perfectly. That things just seem to fall into place, without much effort on your part.
I learned many things on this trip (stay tuned for part 2), but one of the initial lessons was that some moments are best experienced alone, that unlike what society usually makes you feel, you don't need someone else to witness it for it to be great.
In order to fully take anything in, you have to be still & be observant... and often that is only possible when you're completely alone... & this is exactly what happened... I felt every emotion you can think of while on this trip, from fear, joy, sadness, excitement... from silent moments in tears & thoughts, to the happiest of moments surrounded by strangers.
You see, I took this trip without anyone I knew... But never ever did I feel alone...
To be continued...
signs the girl that took a leap of faith & landed a new person.
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