Thursday, August 20, 2015

Can't even get a text back...

Us humans are a funny funny species. So many intricate complexities make us who we are. A lot of things make us similar in nature, yet so many attributes distinguish us from each other.

One thing that varies within us as humans is our persistence. Some of us are so insistent in getting the things that we want , be it achievements, physical goals, relationships, life goals... or simply getting someone to pay you any mind.

in modern day terms... 
persistent in getting a text back (fooled you into thinking this was a serious post) 

Let's be honest, we've all been ignored at least once. We've all been guilty of "double texting" when someone takes too long. We've all been guilty of saying the first hello, one too many times.
Some of us more often than others... some of us more persistent than others... SOME OF US... never getting the hint.

I admit... I'm quite persistent. when I really really really want to be. When I'm determined to get what I want, I'm in there.

I also have limits. I guess that's when pride kicks in from time to time & I'm like "Nah, I'm good"... I think everyone should have that moment. That moment when they know maybe they should stop.

Here are some of the moments, when "nah, I'm good" should happen...

  • You only get one worded replies. 
  • When you only get a weak "lol"
  • When you don't get a reply at all
  • When you're the one initiating the conversation, ALWAYS. If the person has never said HI first.
  • When you're the only one sharing commentary, life facts, updates. 
  • When the conversation never goes very far (no exchange of ideas)
Those are usually my guidelines... 
GIVEN, always exceptions to every rule. 
GIVEN, I sometimes have NO CHILL and do what I want anyway...
GIVEN, not every situation is the same...

BUT, should stop for a second before you send that text and figure out if you should have a "nah, I'm good" moment... 

Signs the girl having a nah, I'm good moment... 

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