Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No Hablas Español?!

Let's get one thing straight... I've ALWAYS been boy crazy. I was the girl in Kindergarten checking out my classmates. Having fake boyfriends since...forever... literally.

As you get older your taste changes, you start growing a list of things you like and don't like. The older you get the longer this list gets, the harder it becomes to fully "like" boys... (doesn't change the crazy part, not one bit lol)

When I was 5, "pretty hair" was a priority (can't lie, still on my list lol)...
Now it's obviously grown into a variety of things which I'll leave for another post...
One thing that has been on my list since Freshman year in High someone speaking Spanish.

At the time, it didn't seem as important, but definitely was there by default. Growing up in Washington Heights, it's rare to find anyone that didn't. Obviously my reasoning has adjusted through the years.

It went from simply being,

  • I love Love Love Love...did I mention LOVEEEE anything intimate to be in Spanish... 
    • Lyrics, sweet nothings, curse words, inappropriate words ...etc etc etc. It's overall a very romantic language. NEVER call me princess (barf)...but call me PRINCESA and I just might marry you... 
eventually more was added to the list...

  • I want my children to be bilingual 
  • My family predominantly speaks Spanish & you have to be able to communicate with them
  • I'm bilingual and express myself in both languages, OFTEN
  • If you're Latino/Hispanic... well you should know & I'm judging you if you don't (No, seriously, I am...)
It matters to me, more than I ever thought it would. I always knew it was on my list... but it was only after intimately encountering individuals that didn't speak Spanish that I realized how important it is to me. How much of a difference it makes in how I express myself. 

Not to say this is a deal breaker, I've learned the universe likes to teach lessons, OFTEN. So I can't sit here and say it will never happen...just saying... it will be hella' difficult...

-signs the girl that loves in spanish. 

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