It's what I say when my thoughts are scattered.
It's what I say when my emotions & thoughts don't exactly align.
It's what I say when I can't entirely put my thoughts into words.
It's where I am right now. In a place where I've started to write 5 post and haven't finished any, because as soon as I start, so many other thoughts come rushing in. It's what happens to me when I'm trying to put things into perspective. It's what happens when I'm trying to reflect on a certain situation or a couple all at once.
So, yes... I'm currently reflecting. Trying to figure out what I want. What I don't want. What I "should want".... & essentially all the things I should let go of.
I like to self reflect a lot (bare with me, as my thoughts jump from one concept to the next)... I like to figure out all the things within myself that could adjust or requires minor tune ups. I like to see what within myself could possibly change things, alter outcomes or adjust future situations. But sometimes... from time to time... my brain is all over the place and I can't get a hold of what's what.
One of the major downfalls of my thought bubble moments is my mood & energy. It's altered to a fault. I give off weird vibes and typically to the wrong people. I become short tempered. I snap at the most insignificant things. Mostly because deep down nothing is aligned so anything adding to that feels like things are seemingly falling apart.
Not to say I'm falling apart.
Nothing at all is happening to that extent. I'm in a good place right now, a completely good place.
But my thoughts are still scattered...
I still need to figure myself out...
& that still causes a discomfort too difficult to explain.
Most times when I'm faced with this predicament I shake my head at myself due to the insignificance of my situations. How I find myself wallowing in the 2 ft mellow drama, letting it effect me. Letting it create thought bubbles... letting it scatter my thoughts...
But this is me... & this is how I deal...
Signs the girl trying to make sense of her thought bubbles.
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